Una noche salimos a cenar y cuando ibamos de regreso para el carro, iba pasando el tren. La linea del tren pasa justo al lado del centro comercial donde estabamos.
Me encanta verlo y sobre todo oirlo. Cuando me toca parar porque va cruzando la carretera, siempre bajo mi ventana del carro para oirlo mas fuerte. Muchas noches tengo la suerte de que cuando me voy a acostar y la casa esta callada, puedo oirlo en la distancia. Primero el pito y despues el sonido de las ruedas sobre la linea... Un mi gran sueño seria porder tomar un viaje en tren. Algo donde pueda ver el paisaje desde mi ventana durante el dia, y en la noche pueda quedarme dormida con el movimiento y el sonido del tren.
El abuelito de Mark trabajo en el tren y su papa tuvo un trabajo que tenia que ver con trenes. Mark trabajo por varios veranos en la linea del tren cambiando los durmientes. Tengo una lampara que me regalo mi suegro... creemos que era del papa de el.
Mi abuelito trabajo en el "ferrocarril" por muchos años, asi que estoy convencida de que lo llevo en la sangre!
Sera que mis hijos tambien?
One night we went out to dinner and on our way back to the car, the train was going by. The tracks run next to the shopping center where we ate.
I love watching and listening to the train. When I have to stop because the train is crossing the highway, I always put down my car window so I can hear it louder. Many nights I have the luck that when I go to bed and the house is really quiet, I can hear the train in the distance. First the whistle and then the sound of the wheels on the track... A big dream of mine would be to take a train trip. Something where I can see the view from my window during the day, and at night I can fall asleep with the movement and sound of the train.
Mark's grandfather worked on the train, and his dad had a job that involved trains... Mark worked for many summers changing the railroad ties. I even have a lantern that my father in law gave to me... we think that it was his father's.
My grandfather worked for the "railroad" for many year, and I'm convinced that it is in my blood!
Could it be in my kid's blood too?
There was a show on tv over the summer that Matt and I watched. It was about an excursion through Alaska and part of the trip was by train. The train had a glass top so that you could see and feel all the wonder of the real Alaska. Until we saw that show, we really never had much interest in riding a train or even going to Alaska. After seeing the program, it's become a dream of ours !